Monday, January 24, 2011


Minutes By Kevin Lei

Steven, a Professional Engineer with GZA GeoEnvironmental met with Team 8 and provided insight into the environmental aspects of geotechnical engineering. Steven explained the process of locating and evaluating contaminants below ground and there costly impact on design and construction. Steven expressed the importance of researching a site’s history in order to determine potential contaminants and toxic waste. He applies his experience and knowledge of sustainability, geology, engineering, chemistry and physics to provide his clients with the best and most cost effective solutions for remediation. Steven found joy in being able to use his creativity and knowledge of math, and science to solve problems and design treatment systems to replace contaminated sites. He takes great satisfaction in being able to make a better environment.

Environmental Assessment Report

A copy of a City Environmental Quality Review Assessment Report was passed around to help everyone understand how a piece of land is assessed when a construction project is proposed. Engineers, planners, environmentalist, architects and attorneys contribute to a written document that describes any change, positive or negative, that a proposed construction may cause in the environment. The report reviews topics including zoning, land use and public policy, socioeconomic conditions, access to community facilities, open space, shadows, historic /archaeology, urban design, neighborhood character, natural resources, hazardous material, infrastructure, solid waste and sanitation services, energy, transportation, air quality and noise.

This document is then presented publically to the community and public agencies for approval.

Universal Design Concepts

Jessica presented her findings on Universal Design

Information about sidewalk curb cuts, storage cabinets with pull out shelves and low floor buses for transportation will make for a much more accessible life.


Jessica will post data about Waco, TX on the blog.

Sample floor Plans

Kevin brought examples of a 1,900 square foot single family residence from Touchmark developed retirement community.

PLEASE NOTE:******Team members should visit to become familiar with a free easy-to-use software package that allows anyone to develop rendered floor plans.******

Review of the Blog

Critical information was posted on the blog from Robert, Ellen, Shamanie and Raphael.

Shamanie provided maps and aerial images.

Ellen Provide detail design data for the design of senior living spaces.

Robert provided data on a retirement communities in the Waco, TX area

Development Size

One development that Robert posted to the blog, Cottages of Oak Springs, had placed 144 units over 15 acres.

The size of an acre was discussed.

In addition, to assess the rough size of a single cottage, the mentors discussed how they arrived at the relative size for a single unit.

Field Exercise – Measure the Block.

Everyone gathered outside of the offices of GZA to measure a typical New York City block.

Using a handheld 200 foot tape measure it was revealed that the sidewalk width measured from the building face to the outside edge of the curb is 12 feet 8 inches.

Length of the block measured from curb to curb is 802 linear feet

The width of the block measured from curb to curb is 198 feet 1 inch.

The total square footage of a New York City block is approximately 160,000 square Feet (SF)

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