Sunday, February 20, 2011

Notes form 2/14/11

Hey guys, sorry I'm posting with really late but I had a lot of issues to deal with this past week.

Basically we decided that we are definitely going to have gardening which made lead to the park and someone suggested to have the commmunity center in the center of our village. Also, that little weird shape in the southeast of our site is probably used for easy or emergency access so that everyone doesn't have to come off the highway.

We needed to lay out the roads, traffic signals and we needed scaled versions of our buildings. So we split into two teams. One team drew out the size of the lots and the roads for the layout and the other drew out the actual composition.

We also decided that we are going to have a mix of single and two family homes, so that we hit all the ranges of incomes.

-30ft wide for a street without parking
-46ft wide for a street with parking

Our community won't really be gated, if we have children coming in from another neighborhood.

1000- 1600 square feet for inidividial homes.
Lots sizes:
-50 x 100
-80 x 125

Property group:

Jeff said that it would make sense for the site to be a little more symmetrical, so that it would be functional. We found out that we might have to regrade the site. Because of the flood zone, the site requires certain drainage systems, amount of pavement, etc.

We have to orient our homes in the west/east direction to get the maximum sunlight.

We need people for it to be self- sufficient and we need a lot of people living there before we can build a lot of stores, so that they won't go out of business.
One suggestion was that maybe the parking should be where the flood zone is, so that the soil would sink up the water.

The depth of a block is 200 ft.
We chose the eagle as our final symbol.

I hope these notes are enough, I'll see you guys tomorrow!

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