Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ace team 8 meeting report

Miguel brought in some nice maps from MPO depicting different aspects of Waco Texas. These include maps depicting Flood zones, Transit need index, Bicycle index, etc. After briefly examining these maps we took a look at 4 possible sites that was near our preferable acreage of 160. We examined them according to features such as flooding, school proximity, airport proximity, as well as features from the maps Miguel brought in.
Site 1: Loop 340 at Highway 6 "El Blanco Lane"
  • 118 acres
  • no price
  • flat
  • flood zone
Site 2: Highway 84 and Cotton Belt
  • 210 acres
  • 2.1 million
  • flat
  • it's a point between Waco and McGregor
Site 3: 142.6 Acres on Interstate 36 and New Road
  • 142.6 acres
  • 4.2 million
  • more Urban
Site 4: 114 acres site on Interstate Highway 35...
  • 114 acres
  • very close to the airport,train and highway
We immediately disqualified site 1 primarily for two reasons. One was on the basis that we didn't want to drown our veterans and we weren't quite sure if our budget would cover the necessary elements to prevent our veterans from drowning. The other reason was that we wanted a site that would allow for more of the budget to be used for the actual village and not waste unnecessary money on defects that the land may have. Then we disqualified site 4 because we wanted our servicemen to be able to sleep and not feel like they were at war again with the constant noises of the airport,train and highway.

Ultimately we were left between two prize locations; Site 2, referred to as B, and Site 3, referred to as A (dubbed so by Google Maps). When we got to this point we made a chart depicting the pro's and con's of each site so that we could organize our thoughts and make the best possible decision.
The chart, graciously provided to us by Jackie, reads as follows:

  • $30,000 per acre
  • Urban
  • More Landscape and Facilities
  • Hospital-3 min drive
  • Transit- high
  • More sidewalks
  • more jobs
  • Demand well supported
  • transportation
  • $10,000 per acre
  • Rural
  • More money for Landscape Facilities
  • More privacy
  • Airport is near, but not too close
  • population is expected to positively change
  • Transit is average
  • disability& over age 65:11%-20%
  • more parks and recreation
  • less hazardous materials
Among ourselves we came up with this amazing list, taking into consideration all the maps Miguel brought and the winner was site B.
Miguel also provided us with some nice packets that relate how blocks are organized and what purpose they serve in each layout.as well as wall designs in regards to the temperature and other such useful information.

By the end of the meeting we established the site for the village, which will under no circumstances change or alter in any way or form, and we were encouraged to start designing our village. Remember, every idea will be counted and greatly appreciated. Even if they are just doodles. WE don't discourage great works of art but they are not required. IDEAS we need IDEAS.

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