Wednesday, December 15, 2010

These are the questions I will Use to survey the Military Personnel with.
Feel Free to Correct or add if necessary.

Military Retirement Village Survey

1) What is your name and rank?
2) Did you fight in a war? Which one?
3) When the time is right, would you want to live in a Military Retirement Village?
4) Where would you prefer your retirement village to be located?
5) Would you like the Village to be dedicated to one specific division or to be diverse within it?
6) How many family members would live with you? What ages?
7) Would you wish to live in a Gated or Open Village? Why?
8) What type of activities/services would you like to be available to you within this Village?
9) Would you prefer everyday clinical service or clinical service when needed?
10) Would you desire food to be prepared for you or would you like to prepare your own meals? Or both?
11) During the time spent at this Village, would you like to work?
12) If so, what kind of job would you like? Would you like this job to be within or outside of the Village?
13) What modes of transportation would you rather to be available to you within the Village? [cars, bikes, walking trails, etc. (realistically speaking)]
14) Would you rather your own driveway, or a parking lot to store your vehicle?
15) Would you prefer a village that Represses or Embraces memories related to war?

1 comment:

  1. Shanna, these are great questions. You can decide to include these or not: For someone in the military who has dedicated themselves to protecting our country, what would give you a sense of home? What would provide you with a sense of belonging? Would you consider living near or on a converted military base? How important is having a VA hospital near you? Do you participate in Veteran's groups function, parades, etc.? Do you know of any retirement facilities that you would recommend visiting? Since retiring from the military, what is or what was your occupation?
