Thursday, December 23, 2010


Minutes provided by Allen Corrales

Students have chosen to pursue the CIRT Design Competition and selected to design a Retirement Village for Military Veterans. If anybody has members of their family who are or were in the military, this is a great resource. Interview them.

1. As a Team we need to figure out where the project is going to be located.

2. Figure out a layout based on the program and what possible questions the judges might ask.

Main Topics in the Program:

3. The design is for a future community.

  • How far into the future?

4. House should look different………

  • How many varieties? Single family, townhouses, apartments, live-in care?

5. Enrich & Expand.

  • When we selected the project, everyone wanted to give something special to these people because of the sacrifices they gave.

6. Education

  • These veterans are highly trained and quite technically savvy.

7. Will the village be open to all branched of the military?

  • Should the different branches of the military be separated? (Navy, Air Force, etc…)

8. Retirees are younger

  • How old do you need to be to retire from the military?

9. Work

  • What type of job can be there?
  • What about placing our site near a marina so that the former Navy personnel can use their previous training in some way?
  • Perhaps the site should be near an airport so that Air Force Pilots/mechanics/air traffic controllers can still be utilized?
  • These retirees are well trained and bring a lot of experience that we can tap into?
  • Many understand logistics.
  • Maybe their skills could be used to train new recruits.
  • Not all of these veterans were in the infantry.
  • Many worked behind the scenes to provide supplies, planned and organized large amounts of data, repaired and maintained an extensive amount of equipment and provide medical and emotional support.
  • Many were decision makers and are highly educated.

10. Medical

  • What type of facility do they need?
  • Should are site be near a VA Hospital or Active Military Base to get access to care?
  • What about reinvigorating a military base that was closed or decommissioned?
  • What are the needs for the handicap/physically impaired people?
  • ADA and Universal Design provide guidelines.
  • Some military veterans will be returning with a varying degrees of health. Some more emotional and mental than physical.
  • Mobility for a variety of health conditions?
  • As retirees grow older and their health becomes more compromised, they have more specific needs.
  • Should our community provide different levels of care? What kinds are there?

11. Food/Dining……

  • Variety, is preferred. Investigate dining options on a cruise ship or senior resorts?
  • Fresh and perhaps grown on site?
  • Gardening is very therapeutic for seniors?
  • Farmers market to generate revenue?

12. Security?

  • What type and level of security should be available?

13. What type of “Homes” and what provides a sense of “Belonging?

  • What provides a sense of belonging? A common experience or interest?
  • What provides a sense of home? Family?
  • Should our homes be able to accommodate an extended family or children?
  • Homes should be adaptable to a variety of living arrangements and needs.

14. What type of support­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ services should there be?

  • If we place the site near a military base , the veterans would have access to the PX which provides military personnel with everyday supplies at a reduced cost.

15. What type of services, logistics or transportation should be provided?

  • Electric vehicles, golf carts, hybrid buses, segways, little rascals

16. What kind of benefits do retired military veterans receive?

17. Building types. Besides housing, what types of facilities should be provided?

  • Medical treatment center should be available?
  • Community Center?
  • Education?
  • Repair and Maintenance shops?
  • Shopping/commercial?
  • Chapel?
  • Parade Route for military events and holidays commemorating the military?
  • Military symbology, colors, significant heros?

18. What type of energy could be used to provide a sustainable environment?

  • If these residents are so highly trained in the latest technology would we be able to provide jobs in the green technology sector?
  • Would it be beneficial to provide a wind farm or solar array that could be maintained and operated by the residents?
  • Should we move beyond NET CARBON ZERO community and try for a NET POSITIVE community and sell excessive energy back to the utility companies?

19. Landscape/location/climate

  • Retirement communities are located all over an in a variety of climates.

20. Different types of activities.

  • Recreation, social what other types?
  • Golf, bowling, fishing, hunting, paintball, gardening, tennis, volley ball, swimming pool, recreation center, hydroponics farming, working , walk,


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